Newly elected New England Division Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI, is awarded a certificate and pin by ARRL First Vice President Kristen McIntyre, K6WX, at the ARRL Board of Directors meeting on January 17-18, 2025 in Windsor, Connecticut.

Serving ARRL members who reside in the New England sections
Newly elected New England Division Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI, is awarded a certificate and pin by ARRL First Vice President Kristen McIntyre, K6WX, at the ARRL Board of Directors meeting on January 17-18, 2025 in Windsor, Connecticut.
A number of clubs and individuals throughout New England will be participating in this weekend’s Winter Field Day festivities.
The Tri-State Radio Club will operate from their QTH on Blackwater Road in Canaan, NH. Contact Dave, WA1ZCN, at for details.
The Boston ARC will operate from a Ponkapoag AMC cabin in the Great Blue Hill Reservation in Randdolph, MA. Contact Scott at for more information.
The Wellesley (MA) ARS will be QRV for Winter Field Day. No details are known.
The Hampden County Radio Club (Agawam, MA) is encouraging its members to operate individually.
The Port City ARC will be active from its club room in Seabrook, NH. Contact Mark, K1RX, at for details.
The Barnstable ARC gang will be QRV from the Dennis, MA, firehouse. Contact for more info.
Douglas Sharafanowich, WA1SFH, writes on the CT-ARES mailing list:
What: Net Control Station Operator Training Workshop
Date: Saturday, February 1, 2025
Time: 0830 – 1200
Place: Newington Volunteer Fire Dept. – Company #1, 1485 Main Street, (Cross Street: Centerwood Road), Newington, CT
The ARRL CT Section is excited to announce its upcoming, in-person, Net Control Station (NCS) Operator Training Workshop.
Target Audience:
Members of ARES*, Skywarn, the National Traffic System (NTS), and other Hams wanting to build more skills.
– This comprehensive, fast paced, hands-on workshop is designed to not only to give attendees the foundational training they need to start conducting a Radio Net successfully, but also to provide “a refresher” for experienced Net Control Station Operators.
Be Part of our NCS Operator Team!
Don’t Miss it!
Pre-Workshop Reading Assignment
Please read “The First 15 Minutes” presentation, and write down your observations.
We will begin the Workshop with a discussion of what happened, focusing on:
The Good, The Bad, and THE UGLY.
* ARES members
This workshop prepare you for the ARES Emergency Communicator Individual Task Book – Level 2 Participation requirement: “Serve as Net Control”
We’ll be using these three frequencies:
There will be a 1 watt signal continuously on 146.565MHz. It will make a short beep every three seconds and will ID in Morse Code every minute.
The 10mW transmitter is on 147.455MHz and will beep every three seconds and will ID in Morse Code every minute.
The 1mW transmitter is on 146.290MHz and beeps every three seconds and ID as W1NRG in Morse Code every minute. Expect a range of only about 1/10 mile on this transmitter.
HamX is the largest annual gathering of Radio Amateurs east of Dayton and north of Huntsville. And it fields more talks and workshops than any other ham convention in the world. We’re not just a trade show, we convene to exchange ideas. Here’s your chance to participate. Locally, 2025 will be celebrated as the 250 th anniversary of “the shot heard ‘round the world.” But we all know that for over a century Amateur Radio’s signals have been heard ‘round the world.
Every year’s talks pretty much run the same gamut of subject areas—Antennas and Propagation, Contesting and DXing, EMCOM/PS, League, Operating Activities, Organization and Innovation, Technical, and Training. This year we’re emphasizing “signals heard ’round the world.”
So, consider volunteering to speak on signals.
Even if you can’t speak, you must have some ideas regarding what you or others want to hear about—elementary topics for the newcomers among us, intermediate-level topics for the general attendees, even advanced topics to challenge and educate us all. Pass them on as a
Here are this year’s planning and preparation milestones:
It’s never too early to start planning! Contact HamXposition Program Chair Skip Youngberg at
Ben Jackson, N1WBV, writes:
Just a reminder that the January New England Mesh Working Group monthly Zoom meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 14th at 7:30PM.
Some tidbits we will be covering:
* Successful linking of the VT mesh with the RI mesh via tunnel.
* Progress in Dartmouth
* Progress on the Cape
* Meshtastic
Please feel free to invite anyone who you may think would be interested!
Ben, N1WBV
[Contact Ben at <> for Zoom details]New England Division
This is a short update as the new year opens. The ARRL Board of Directors will be meeting on January 17 and 18. While there is a draft agenda available, many of the reports and possible action items are just being circulated to the Board this week.
We plan to hold an information session on Saturday, January 11th at 11am via Zoom for New England Division ARRL members to update you before the meeting. Zoom connection info is below.
This Zoom session will also serve as a way to gather your suggestions and ideas to use as we have discussions with other Board members before and during the Board meeting. We’ll hold another Zoom session after the Board meeting to report on what took place.
Thanks for your support as I return to the ARRL Board. I’m looking forward to working to move forward on a number of critical issues with the help of Vice Director Phil Temples/K9HI.
Very 73 and Happy New Year!
Tom Frenaye is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: New England Division
Time: Jan 11, 2025 11:00 Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 5600 3601
Passcode: 886125
Dial by telephone
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
Meeting ID: 814 5600 3601
Passcode: 886125
ARRL Maine Section Manager Phil Duggan, N1EP, writes:
First Maine Hamfest of the year is Saturday, February 15 from 8am until noon at the Club Calumet, 334 West River RD, Augusta, ME. Admission $5. VE Session time to be determined. No table fees, so bring plenty of gear to sell or swap. Sponsored by the Augusta Amateur Radio Association. P.O.C George Szadis K1GDI email
Northern Maine is looking for volunteers! Fort Kent, Maine is hosting the annual Can Am Crown of Maine sled dog races. The event runs March 1st, 2nd and 3rd. If you are interested in volunteering to work communications at Net Control, one of the checks points, or anywhere help may be needed, please reach out to the Can Am Comms Chief, James Jalbert, This is a great opportunity to use your ham radio skills, make some new friends, expand your network, and see the great Northern Maine in the winter time. Reach out to James for more info.