Two items of note, per HamXposition General Chairman Bob DeMattia, K1IW:
Hamfests & Conventions
Stolen Radio Equipment at NEAR-Fest and Other Area Flea Markets
Mike Crestohl, W1RC, writes:
Lose something at NEAR-Fest or Other Area Flea Market? Maybe you can get it back.
If you had something stolen from your table at a flea market or hamfest in NH or Eastern Mass. within the past several years, please contact Officer John Delaney of the Deerfield Police Department as soon as possible. His contact information is <> or telephone 603-463-7258 and leave a message for him to call you back. Be prepared to provide Officer Delaney with a detailed description, giving make, model, serial number, photograph, band(s) covered, what was programmed into it, etc.
This information is needed by the Deerfield Police for an ongoing investigation into thefts of equipment that have occurred at NEAR-Fest and other local area events over the past several years. Five stolen radios have already been recovered and there may be more.
Please copy Paul, W1PRA ( and MrMike, W1RC ( on all correspondence with Officer Delaney.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Paul DePetrillo, W1PRA,
NEAR-Fest Sergeant-at-Arms,
Mister Mike, W1RC,
Benevolent Dictator,
Lobstercon 2022 is a “Go,” Brunswick Maine, July 8-10
From <>
Lobstercon2022! campground reservations have now been confirmed! We will be gathering at Thomas Point Beach & Campground on the weekend of July 8, 9 & 10 2022.
The 2022 event will be the 23th year that W1REX has hosted the QRP event at TPB&C! I have already reserved the group campsite for the 2022 event and set the dates so you have plenty of time to still plan your weekend getaway to Maine! I plan on coming up with a few special activities to make our awakening event from this pandemic very special and an event that you will not want to miss. If you have often thought about coming to Lobstercon but never got a round tuit, you have better make this one.
New England’s premiere QRP gathering, a weekend of QRP camping, BBQ eating, operating, socializing, lobster eating, prize winning, all round great QRP time. A $50.00 registration fee gets you wake-up coffee, juice, cereal, bagels and donuts ( if you wake up early enough) and 2 GIANT meals on Saturday: a BBQ lunch and FRESH Maine lobster dinner. Lobstercon lobsters are fresh out of the ocean for less than an hour before they go into the pot. YOU CAN TASTE THE DIFFERENCE! Pictures of all the fun had by Lobsterconners at previous years events can be found at
Where: Thomas Point Beach & Campground, Brunswick Maine
When: July 8, 9 & 10, 2022
Fill out the PDF or WORD Registration form and send it back to QRPme, via Email or snail mail, to hold your spot at the lobster feast. Use Paypal, check or money order to complete the registration. See registration form for details.
Activities: (Friday afternoon through Sunday morning)
Campsite setup and meeting old friends
No-host dinner Friday night at
Taste of Maine???
N1RX/W1REX Friday night Stargazing (weather permitting)
Partying into the night
Wake-up coffee & donuts Saturday morning
QRP hobnobbing
BBQ lunch off grill
QRP fleamarket
NT1R/W1REX Lobster feast/banquet
RAFFLE Prize drawings
QRP music jam
POSSIBLE Sunday morning No-host breakfast at a local eatery.
Registration is $50 per person for all meals & activities on Saturday. Camping is additional and reservations should be made through Thomas Point Beach & Campground. You DO NOT need to register for camping until Lobstercon time next year unless you want to reserve a dedicated campsite with hookups ($35 per night). Do not forget to tell the Thomas Point Beach people that you are with the crazy radio gang. 2022 Camping fees are $10 per person/night in our group site.
The Group site does not have electricity or hookups. We do run extension cords to the closest power pole. Campers requiring electricity will be charged $5 per night. Regular park camping fee camping fee is $32 per camping unit /family of 2 adults & 2 children
It would be best if most camping reservations were made on-line through the TPB website.
The camping request is in the camping section OR you can call 1-207-725-6009
Advise each camper to include “With Lobstercon” in the Special Needs section so the correct price will be charged to them.
Thomas Point Beach & Campground
(NOTE from Rex: if you plan on camping with the main QRP group in the group site, you already have a spot in the GROUP campsite when you register with me! The *formal* reservation and payment to TPB&C can be made at any time before you come to Lobstercon. Check the TPB&C for the opening date. If you want a regular site close to the group site, send ME an email to let me know. I will be holding a couple of close sites, in reserve, for just that purpose.)
Hermon (ME) Hamfest, June 4, 2022
The 34th Annual Hermon Hamfest will be held on June 4, 2022 at the Hermon High School at 2415 US 2, Hermon, Maine 04401.
Rain or Shine!!! 7:30 AM for tailgaters & 8:00 AM for all others
Admission is $5.00 (12 & under FREE) — Exam fee is $15.00. Just coming for the Exam? No admission needed unless you plan to stay before or after testing.
Planned Events:
– License testing: all classes at 9:00 AM ***No Walk-Ins for ham testing***
Email Pete Bither -AI1O to pre-register
-Great Food
– 50/50 raffle
– Tailgaters
– QCWA meeting after Hamfest at a local restaurant — (1:00 PM)
Talk-in is on 146.940 -0.600 offset and a 136.5 tone.
This venue has a huge parking area for easy distancing! Large lodge to get under cover.
Contact Jerry, K1GUP, at k1gup -at- roadrunner -dot- com if you have any questions.
30th Annual Southern Berkshire ARC Hamfest, Goshen CT, May 21, 2022
The Southern Berkshire ARC will hold its annual hamfest at the Goshen, Connecticut Fairgrounds from 8 AM – 12 Noon on May 21, 2022. Buyers pay a $5 admission; children under 12 admitted free with an adult. License exams will be administered at 9:30 AM. For more information, email or visit
Mobile App Available to Navigate 2022 Dayton Hamvention
From ARRL News:
05/04/2022- Dayton Hamvention® is offering a free mobile app for smartphones and tablets to help attendees navigate the large-scale event, which runs May 20 – 22 at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio. The app, which was introduced in 2019, is offered in a collaborative effort with ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®.
The free ARRL Events app is now available and already includes Hamvention’s full program, so attendees can browse and schedule forums, find affiliated events, and preview the extensive list of exhibitors. During the event, attendees can use other app features to follow the hourly prize drawings populated by the Dayton Hamvention Prize Committee, and browse building and site maps.
Attendees are also encouraged to tap on the MyProfile icon in the app to add their name and call sign, email address, and any additional information they would like to share with other Hamvention guests. Additionally, the MyBadge icon displays a QR code of your event badge that can be scanned by another attendee or exhibitor using the Scan Badge icon – instantly connecting shared contact information with other hams at the event.
The app is available for Apple and Android smart devices, or access the web browser version which is optimized for nearly any browser or other type of mobile device. Visit your app store to download the app (search “ARRL Events”) or access the links available on the ARRL EXPO web page. If you’re reading this article on a mobile device, click here to be redirected to the appropriate app store, or redirected to the web browser version ( Please email with any questions about the app.
For more information, please visit these official websites:
- Dayton Hamvention
- ARRL EXPO at Dayton Hamvention
HamXposition Ticketing is Now Live
Northeast HamXposition General Chairman Bob DeMattia, K1IW, writes:
Our electronic ticketing is now live! Visit our website to purchase general admission, flea, and Friday and Saturday banquet tickets!
ARRL Forum, Other Events Scheduled for NEAR-Fest in Deerfield, NH, April 29-30, 2022
A full schedule of events and activities for NEAR-Fest XXXI has been posted at <>.
ARRL New England Division Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, will host the ARRL Forum on Friday, April 29 at 11:00 AM. Fred will present an update of ARRL actions including: the ARRLClub Grant Program; and news about potential legislation in New England that could adversely affect amateur radio. Bring all your questions to this fast-paced forum!
All forums will be held in the Arts & Crafts Building, opposite the Administration Building. Look for the flag pole. This is near the main entrance, which is not used for NEAR-Fest.
The VE Session will be conducted in the back of this Arts & Crafts building, in the basement.
NEAR-Fest XXXI, April 29-30, 2022, Deerfield, NH
Call For Presenters: 2022 HamXposition, August 26-28
Don’t just attend the 2022 Northeast HamXposition—BE A PART OF IT! The HamXposition Committee seeks fresh and exciting presentations for this year’s joint ARRL New England/Hudson Division Convention on August 26, 27 & 28, 2022. We’re looking for talks of both a technical and non-technical nature. As a HamXposition presenter, you will have the opportunity to share your subject and knowledge with amateur radio operators from around New England, New York, the surrounding states, and Canada.
In addition to talks and forums throughout the day on Saturday, we will feature Saturday evening entertainment, workshops on Friday, and a half-day Sunday program.
If you represent a regional club or organization (e.g., YCCC, NEQRP, WRONE, MARS, etc.) we can help facilitate open forums or closed meetings by providing you a meeting space.
Non-profit groups who wish to set up information tables should get your requests in early. While the tables are offered without charge, we ask for some volunteer time in return to assist us with ticket sales and other logistics during the convention.
To register as a speaker or presenter, please go to or email if you have additional questions.
We look forward to seeing you at the Convention.
Phil Temples, K9HI
Program Chair
Northeast HamXposition