Hidden Fox, Enfield CT Vicinity, April 20, 2023

Rod Bungard, N1RUU, writes on the ctfoxhunter list on April 20, 2023 at 4:28 PM:

After a long winter break, Fox #5 PL 123.0 is out in the wild. The fox is running 1.5 watts into a 18-inch antenna and is on 146.550 MHz (PL 123.0).

To activate, key your transmitter, ID and then send a DTMF “1.” If the FoxBox can hear you and you can hear it, you will hear its very distinctive sound. It will transmit for 30 seconds, ID and then go back to sleep. You can make it transmit as often as necessary to find it.

Once someone has been able to bring it up and hear it, please report that information to the other fox hunters. Feel free to reply to the group. Do not reveal its location, just a location (and direction if possible) from which you are able to hear it. This then becomes a starting point for the other fox hunters to use.

You do not actually have to touch the box to claim finding it. If you hunt the Fox please log to this group even if you don’t find it.

Located in the Enfield area.

Port City ARC Fox Hunt, Portsmouth NH Vicinity, April 15, 2023

Port City ARC logoNeil Collesidis, AA1SB, writes on the Port City ARC (NH) mailing list:

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

Fox Hunt this Saturday, April 15, 2023 10am local.

I figure I’ll go somewhere within a certain radius—say, 7 miles?—from the W1WQM clubhouse and turn on the fox beacon at 10 AM.

I’ll use the simplex frequency of 146.445. (Unless someone says “NO! You shouldn’t use that! Use xxx.xxx!”)

Sound reasonable? I’ll also monitor the club repeater to see who is participating and who is left looking for me. 

If it ends up being quick, we can do a second round. 


Neil AA1SB/fox

Fox Hunt, Colchester CT, April 8, 2023

Mark Noe, KE1IU, writes on the ctfoxhunter list:

A foxhunt is a high-tech game of hide and seek where you use direction finding equipment to locate hidden transmitters. SECARS will be hosting a foxhunt on Saturday, April 8 at noon – at Zagray Farm – 544 Amston Rd., Colchester, CT. This foxhunt will have several transmitters hidden around the field at varying levels of difficulty to enable beginners and challenge experienced foxhunters. This will be an on-foot foxhunt. For those who have never tried foxhunting before, there will be experienced hunters to help you. You do not need to bring gear if you do not have it – we have extra equipment that we can loan you and show you how to use. Transmitters will be hidden in accessible areas – minimal to no bushwhacking will be required. Transmitter frequencies and other parameters are listed below.

If you have any questions, please contact Mark KE1IU at KE1IUMark@gmail.com.

Many thanks,


Fox  Owner  Frequency (MHz)  3rd Harmonic (MHz)  Input PL  DTMF Activation  Power  Information
 C  K1DCT 147.455 442.365  CS  –  81 mW  3 sec. ON / 3 sec. OFF or ON 100%
 H  KE1IU 146.335 439.005  CS  –  1 mW  Tx ON 100% – 300 ft range + CW ID
 I  KE1IU 145.910 437.73  CS  –  25 mW  Tx ON 100% – 1 mile range
 J  KE1IU 146.585 439.755  CS  –  0.5 W  Tx ON one min; 5 seconds off – 2 mile range – CW ID
 K  KE1IU 146.565 439.695  CS  –  1 W  Tx ON one min – 5 seconds off – 2 mile range – CW ID
 L  K1DCT 147.420 442.26  CS 1 1 W  

Fox Box 2 Deployed in the Manchester CT Vicinity, April 3, 2023

Gregory J Vinci, N1ZXL, writes on the ctfoxhunter list on Apr 3, 2023 at 2:13 PM:

Greetings Fox hunters,

Fox #2 PL 100.0

At its new location, the fox is running the usual 1 watt into a 18-inch antenna. Since there is no starting place for finding the hidden transmitter, all you can do is while going about your travels, periodically try to activate the hidden transmitter. Your first try may be from home. You do this by going on the 2-meter simplex frequency of 146.550 MHz (PL 100.0 MHz), key your transmitter, ID and then send a DTMF “1”. If the FoxBox can hear you and you can hear it, you will hear its very distinctive sound. It will transmit for 30 seconds, ID and then go back to sleep. You can make it transmit as often as necessary to find it.

Once someone has been able to bring it up and hear it, please report that information to the other fox hunters. Feel free to reply to the group. Do not reveal its location, just a location (and direction if possible) from which you are able to hear it. This then becomes a starting point for the other fox hunters to use.

You do not actually have to touch the box to claim finding it. Eye ball contact is sufficient. It is located less than 500 feet from a safe parking location. 

Good luck in the wilds of Manchester