Shawn Warren, KC1NQE writes on the CT-POTA list:
Happy Spring, Everyone!
Spring is finally here, and that means it’s time for this year’s Spring Support Your Parks Weekend, happening April 18-20. This particular weekend is extra special—not only is it World Amateur Radio Day on April 18th, but Easter falls on April 20th, giving us plenty of opportunities to make contacts and light up Connecticut’s parks in the logbooks as K2D!
Join Us for the P2P Net & Potluck Picnic!
To welcome in the Spring, we’ll be hosting our Park-to-Park (P2P) net on 40 meters at 10:00 AM on Saturday, April 20th. Pick your favorite park to activate and jump on the net, or come meet up with us at:
- Wharton Brook State Park (US-1728)
675 US-5, North Haven, CT 06473
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
We’ll be gathering for a potluck picnic, so bring a dish to share—your favorite homemade meal, snacks, beverages, or desserts are all welcome! There will also be a tailgate-style POTA show and tell, so bring your radio gear to show off and operate.
Represent Connecticut as K2D!
If you’d like to activate using the K2D special event call sign, please use this [Sign-Up Link] to claim a rover number for spotting purposes. When logging your contacts:
* Log your station as K2D
* Log yourself as the operator using your personal call sign
* Submit logs to Conrad N2YCH – N2YCH(at)
Your personal POTA account will receive credit when the logs are uploaded to K2D.
Let’s make this an amazing weekend on the air and celebrate Spring together! Hope to see you out there.