CNHARC President Rick Zach, KK1RZ, writes:
[The Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio Club] has received a donation of a replacement UHF repeater system at the summit of Gunstock. Thank you K1IW!
In fact, all three CNHARC Gunstock repeater systems are being completely replaced in a phased in approach, 6m, 2m & UHF.
Part of that system replacement includes a simplex, frequency-agile 2m “remote base”. These are very popular in California but are somewhat new to the New England mindset. I am aware that ARES has been looking for a central high site for simplex use to connect to other state regions during past drills.
That remote-base capability will exist within the next month or so with more technical details to follow. But in a nutshell, once activated on demand, the state net control station only accesses the 2m remote base via UHF as required by FCC rules. This will be a hub and spoke system with all area representatives of the state communicating to net control on 2m simplex using your pre-arranged ARES simplex freq as you always have in the past. The end user experience is not changed. The only operational difference is that the “high site” is now VERY high. So this in no way changes your statewide simplex model.
You can use the Gunstock 2m repeater (recently replaced) to roughly gauge the coverage of the 2m remote base.
146.985 -600 PL-123.0
Please send me your ARES 2m simplex frequencies of choice so that we may program the 2m remote base accordingly.
CNHARC has 100% new leadership with a very different, open culture. In fact we call it “CNHARC 2.0” and the remote base is part of that new culture.