K1W White Island Special Expedition, Rye NH, July 27, 2024

White I., Rye NHMark Pride, K1RX, writes on the Port City ARC mailing list and K1W QRZ page:

Special Expedition by the Port City Amateur Radio Club (W1WQM) for 2024

White Island, Isle of Shoals, Rye, NH

Plan is to arrive Saturday, July 27, 2024 by 8AM, setup stations, operate until Evening. One Day event. Primarily IOTA contest plus POTA and 6 M.


POTA US-8006 (White Island NH State Park & Historical Site)

Lighthouse ARLS USA 406

 NH022S White Island  US Islands Award Program



QSL via K1RX

ADIF upload to POTA and other sites as needed