ARRL Service Disruption, Director Update

Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, writes:

Hello everyone,

Many of you have probably noticed that several ARRL online services and the HQ phone system have been down. The ARRL is working as quickly as possible to restore all services, and progress is being made. You can see the current status of the restoration at this link –

You can check this link periodically for further updates. It will likely take some time to get everything fully back up and running. We appreciate your patience.

ARRL New England Division
Director: Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC

ARRL Systems Service Disruption Update, May 29, 2024

ARRL logoUpdated 5/29/2024

This update includes information about the status of several services as we continue to respond to a serious incident involving access to our network and systems.

The ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (ARRL VEC) has resumed the processing of Amateur Radio License applications with the FCC. A more comprehensive update on the status of ARRL VEC services is available here.

There has been no interruption to visitor operating at W1AW, the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station. The station resumed voice bulletins on Thursday, May 23. All other scheduled transmissions, including Morse code practice, and code and digital bulletins, will resume on Thursday, May 30. Please refer to the regular operating schedule at

After last week’s distribution of the ARRL Letter, our e-newsletter service has resumed. Current editions of ARRL Club News and The ARES® Letter have also been distributed.

ARRL Store orders have resumed shipping. Orders are being fulfilled from earliest order dates to the latest. Please allow additional time for our processing.

There has been no disruption to the email forwarding service, though forwarding email addresses and aliases cannot be modified at this time.

Our telephone system is unavailable at this time.

We appreciate your patience as we continue working on restoring access to affected systems and services.

This story will be updated with new developments.

NEAR-Fest Moving to Hillsborough County (NH) Fairgrounds


Phil Brooks, KA1PXZ, Chief of NEAR-Fest, is pleased to announce that, effective October 4th, 2024, the New England Amateur Radio Festival, known as NEAR-Fest, will be held at the Hillsborough County Agricultural Society Fairgrounds and Youth Center located at New Boston NH, approximately 15 miles west of Manchester.

The reason for the permanent change in venue is due to ongoing scheduling conflicts with other events at the Deerfield (NH) Fairgrounds, NEAR-Fest’s home for the past eighteen years.

The hard decision to move the popular New England hamfest was taken by a unanimous vote of NEAR-Fest’s Board of Directors on May 17th, 2024.

In endorsing the decision NEAR-Fest’s Benevolent Dictator Emeritus, Michael Crestohl, W1RC, aka “Mister Mike” commented: “This was inevitable. The Deerfield Fairgrounds is becoming more and more popular with exhibitors and, as a designated agricultural fairgrounds, they have to give priority to agricultural events. We had a fabulous eighteen-year run. I am confident that Phil and Kelley, along with their team, will take NEAR-Fest forward at our new location for many years to come.”

Other than the location nothing else will change. It is still the same NEAR-Fest we have all known and loved since 2007!

NEAR-Fest XXXVI will be held Friday October 4th and Saturday October 5th, 2024 at the Hillsborough County Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, located at 17 Hilldale Lane, (Route 13) New Boston NH. GPS Coordinates 42.9842430, -71.6793460.

See you there!

NEAR-Fest (The New England Amateur Radio Festival, Inc.)

PO Box 172, Barton VT 05822 (781) 639-9172

World Wide Web: E-mail:

Graphical map of the Fairgrounds


Map of New Boston, NH area



2024 Northeast HamXposition to Offer “Mini-Contest University”

HamXposition BannerFrom The ARRL Letter, May 23, 2024:

The Northeast HamXposition and ARRL New England Division Convention announced a major addition to its program for 2024. The event runs from August 22 – 25, in Marlborough, Massachusetts, and will feature the Mini-Contest University (mini-CTU), based on Contest University. Contest University has been featured at Dayton Hamvention® since 2007 and presented in 15 countries to over 10,000 participants. A series of contest-oriented talks and presentations will be offered at HamXposition on Friday August 23. More information is available at

ARRL Systems Service Disruption

ARRL logoFrom ARRL News Online:
05/22/2024Updated 5/22/2024

We are continuing to address a serious incident involving access to our network and systems. Several services, such as Logbook of The World® and the ARRL Learning Center, are affected.

We have heard from many LoTW® users, asking about the status of the service and its data. This is not an LoTW server issue, and LoTW data is secure.

Our editorial and production team is preparing the July issue of QST magazine, which is still going to press. It may be delivered a few days late to members who receive print subscriptions. The digitial edition should be published on time.

We appreciate your continued patience as our staff and others work tirelessly to restore affected systems.

This story will be updated with new developments.

Updated 5/17/2024

Some members have asked whether their personal information has been compromised in some way. ARRL does not store credit card information anywhere on our systems, and we do not collect social security numbers. Our member database only contains publicly available information like name, address, and call sign along with ARRL specific data like email preferences and membership dates.

Original story below:

We are in the process of responding to a serious incident involving access to our network and headquarters-based systems. Several services, such as Logbook of The World® and the ARRL Learning Center, are affected. Please know that restoring access is our highest priority, and we are expeditiously working with outside industry experts to address the issue. We appreciate your patience.

This story will be updated with new developments.


Meriden (CT) ARC “Just Push the Button” Net

Stephen Jonn writes on the Meriden ARC Facebook page:
There’s a now a place for new hams to key up and chat without the fear of making a mistake. In the spirit of the rookie roundup, Stephen Rygiel, KC1QWH, along with the Meriden Amateur Radio Club has started a new weekly net called the “Just push the button” net.
This gathering takes place on Wednesday evening’s at 1900 eastern time on the W1NRG repeater. Found at 147.36 with a PL of 162.2 and via EchoLink at W1NRG-R.
It’s not only for new hams though, all licensed hams are encouraged to join in, it’s a great place to Elmer the newbies.
Please join us for newbie tips and good old camaraderie on this rag chew type directed Net.
Any questions can be directed to Stephen via email at

Maine Joint Resolution S.P. 1008 for World Amateur Radio Day April 18, 2024

From The Maine Telegraph, May 24, Issue 44:

Simon Golob, N1URA; Bill Mann, W1KX; Michelle Mann, WM1C; and Cory Golob, KU1U, were present at the Maine Senate for Joint Resolution S.P. 1008 which recognizes World Amateur Radio day and thanks Amateur Radio operators in Maine for their dedication and service to communications.

A special thanks go to Phil Duggan, N1EP, for organizing the event.



photo L-R: Bill Mann, W1KX; Michelle Mann, WM1C; Senator Mike Tipping, N1YIQ; Simon Golob, N1URA and Cory Golob, KU1U
L-R: Bill Mann, W1KX; Michelle Mann, WM1C; Senator Mike Tipping, N1YIQ; Simon Golob, N1URA and Cory Golob, KU1U
Simon Golob (N1URA) wielding the Senate gavel alongside Senator Jeff Timberlake (Androscoggin)
Simon Golob, N1URA, wielding the Senate gavel alongside Sen. Jeff Timberlake, N1YIQ (R-Androscoggin)


SECARS Fox Hunt, Ledyard CT, May 18, 2024

Mark Noe, KE1IU writes on the ctfoxhunter list:
SECARS will be sponsoring a fox hunt this coming Saturday, May 18 at 1 PM at the Nathan Lester House in Ledyard, CT.  You can find more information at the following link:
This is an “on-foot” foxhunt.  You will drive to the museum and then commence a walking hunt for each of the transmitters.  They will all be hidden in the woods or the park grounds in front of the homestead.  There will be foxes hidden in an open field for beginners, and several of us will bring equipment and provide instruction.  If you have never been on a foxhunt before, this is a great time to learn.
The foxhunt will run for ca. 3 hours or when the last hunter has found all the foxes.  Please contact Mark at if you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Our foxes will be on the following frequencies:

ARRL Systems Service Disruption

ARRL logoFrom ARRL News:

05/16/2024—We are in the process of responding to a serious incident involving access to our network and headquarters-based systems. Several services, such as Logbook of The World® and the ARRL Learning Center, are affected. Please know that restoring access is our highest priority, and we are expeditiously working with outside industry experts to address the issue. We appreciate your patience.

Maine State Convention and Hamfest, June 15, 2024

Androscoggin ARC logoThe Maine State Convention & Hamfest is about 3 months away, Saturday June 15th. The Androscoggin Amateur Radio Club is excited to host this at our new venue, the Augusta Civic Center. There is 32,000 square feet of vendor space!  Plenty of rooms for people to sell as well as club tables and EmComm groups. 

People are starting to get tables so be sure to purchase yours in advance.  73 Electronics has already confirmed their attendance. Individual vendors are also starting to buy their tables.

The following clubs will be in attendance: Androscoggin ARC, Wireless Society of Southern Maine, UFB New England, Women Radio Operators of Maine (WRONE) and York County ARC.  Androscoggin ARES/RACES will be in attendance for EmComm groups. We are hoping to see more Clubs and EmComm teams get a table.

Vendors can start setting up at 6:00 AM. Doors to the public will open at 8:00 AM. Hours for the convention will be 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. A variety of talks will be held including a club officer meeting, ARRL Forum, Parks-on-the-Air presentation, NanoVNA talk, Maine Mesh Project update, ARES/RACES/EMCOMM meeting as well as TWO VE Sessions (Morning – 9 AM and Afternoon 2 PM).

A general admission ticket gets you a chance to win a door prize. The Grand Door Prize is an Icom 7300 HF Radio. Other door prizes will be available. The winner does not need to be present.

A separate raffle is being held for a Honda 2200 watt super quiet generator (Model EU-2200i). You can contact an Androscoggin ARC member to buy raffle tickets or purchase them the day of the convention. Again, you do not need to be present to win.

Special Convention Hotel Rates are available – $140 per night. You can either stay Friday night into Saturday or Saturday night into Sunday, whichever you prefer.

Mention special discount code – Maine State Hamfest. If you are interested in camping, this option is also available. NO TENT CAMPING ALLOWED. You must be in a camper. Camping is free, but you must register with the Civic Center – check in NO LATER than 3 PM Friday. No water hookup. Electric hookup is available for $50 through the Civic Center.