Providence Radio Association Will Operate N1F / NAF During Armed Forces Day Crossband Test, May 13, 2023

Providence Radio Assoc logoDave “Tess” Tessitore, K1DT, writes:

Armed Forces Day Crossband Test: May 13, 2023  1400Z – 2300Z (10 am-7 pm)

[The Providence Radio Association] will operate this annual Amateur Radio/Department of Defense joint exercise from the PRA clubhouse (and possibly Ft. Burnside) using the military callsign NAF – NEWPORT NAVAL RADIO STATION MUSEUM NEWPORT, RI. 

Thanks to W3LPL for securing permission from the DoD for us to use the original callsign NAF – NAVRADSTA(T) Newport for this cooperative military event and tribute to our US Armed Forces.

We have also secured the Amateur Special Event 1×1 callsign N1F so as to foster further activity in the ham bands!