Next Consortium Meeting, Manville RI, December 5, 2022

Bob Beaudet, W1YRC, writes:

Greetings all:

The next Consortium will take place on Monday, Dec 5th at the Manville Sportsman’s Club, 250 High St. in Manville, RI. Our regular presenter, Jim, K1GND, is taking some leave time away from the Consortium to provide care for his wife, Ann who is undergoing some serious medical issues. We were planning on Mike, K1ETA, to present material regarding his extensive portable operating by the sea shore, on hill tops and in the field using QRP and higher power with a variety of home made antennas. However, Mike came down with some serious congestion and other cold related problems.

So, you will be treated with some operating conversation related to DXing from W1YRC over my time as a DXer starting in about 1962. Operating tips, QSL tips and various operating awards available will be covered. This will be a conversational style presentation, so bring your favorite questions and stories. Keep in mind that the purpose we serve in the Consortium is to cover basics with the goal of helping new hams and others to improve their knowledge of ham radio topics.

Thank you and see you at the Consortium. We plan to start about 7:00 PM.

73, Bob, W1YRC

[See also: The Consortium—Covering the Ham Radio Basics]

Greetings all for the second time:
I have a last minute program change that will make the presentation more interesting than it would be as I planned it. 
Ken Trudel, N1RGK, offered to present a follow-up to his original 2019 program concerning preparation of coaxial connectors for outdoor service. In his latest program, Ken shows how weather has affected his coaxial connectors over the three years since being installed. He has actual hardware to show and documentation. 
I will go first at 7:00 and Ken will follow at about 7:30–7:45. 
Thanks and see you at the Consortium. 
73, Bob W1YRC