Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes on the NEQRP mailing list:
The 3rd Saturday in September has been traditionally reserved for decades for our Annual Celebration of the end-of-Summer / beginning-of-Fall known as “Chowdercon” in the Low-Power Radio Community here in New England.
Why is it called Chowdercon?
Here’s the skinny on the Event, name, and the time of year.
Years ago, back in the mid to late 1980s (circa 1987) a small group of Amateur Radio field operators got together on Four Tree Island at the end of summer just to have, lunch, talk, and, operate on an Island surrounded by SALTWATER. (Being on saltwater enhances RF propagation tremendously!) Four Tree Island is a beautiful location in the heart of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and was an easy place for all to get to, no matter where they lived in New England. The gathering had just a few people through the years.
In the summer of 2006, it was decided to give this gathering a name. It was always a crisp fall-feeling day on-or-around this time of year, and in the New England seacoast tradition, it was decided to partake in some hot clam chowder at the Main Gazebo on Four Tree Island while gathering and operating. That was the KICK-OFF to the event and it was dubbed, “Chowdercon.” Yes, the clam chowder was replaced years later with Lunch at “Geno’s Sandwich Shop,” just a five minute walk from the Island. It sure made things easier and Geno’s had lobster rolls too! Yummy!!! Also, a farewell banquet supper was added at the famous “Warren’s Lobster House” after our time on the island. And in later years we added a BREAKFAST gathering before the arrival on the Island at “The Golden Egg.”
Okay, last year our breakfast place shutdown due to the Coronavirus and lack of business, so the breakfast was scrubbed. This year, Geno’s is closed for the weekend for a short vacation, so, we don’t have a lunch location (that is until next year). To keep the TRADITION going strong, and to have EVEN MORE TIME on Four Tree Island, this year (2022) will be a breakfast/lunch “brown-bag” event. Please bring whatever you’d like for the times you are on the Island. The STARTING TIME will be 8AM to begin gathering on Four Tree. I’ll be bringing a few, egg, cheese, bacon, English-muffin breakfast sandw
The setup of stations will be as usual, and there are lots of rooftop-covered-picnic-tables on the Island for your operating spot and socializing/eating/discussions
At around 4PM we break-down stations, antennas, and pack-up to depart, BUT before that is the Annual QRP vs. QRPp “TUG-OF-WAR” which is a fun tradition on the Island. Don’t worry, we are all getting older, and this is not a KILLER SPORTS GAME. It’s a fun time for pictures and creating wonderful memories. Go over some of the past pictures of the Chowdercon Experience at the following URL:
AND, if a full day on the Island isn’t enough for YOU, we have a FANTASTIC Farewell Banquet at Warren’s Lobster House just a 5 minute drive away from Four Tree. It’s a meal you’ll remember for a lifetime. Warren’s menu is extensive and they have a HUGE Salad Bar which adds to the Farewell Banquet experience. With all the fraternal camaraderie of the event, I’m sure you’ll want to put Chowdercon on your ANNUAL things-to-do Calendar Schedule EVERY YEAR on the Equinox weekend (3rd SATURDAY in September).
Come join-in on the, fun, excitement, learning, and memory-making gathering known as CHOWDERCON. You won’t regret it.
ALSO, QRP Afield (CQAF) is in-progress while we are on Four Tree Island. It’s fun to do some CW QSO’s in this long-running on-air NEQRP Sprint/Contest.
*** Chowdercon 2022 ***
PLACE: Portsmouth, NH – Four Tree Island
TIME: KICKING OFF AT 8AM THROUGH 4:30PM, and then heading over to WARREN’S for our annual Farewell Banquet Supper (4:45PM through 6:30PM+)
* COMMUNICATIONS: The National Simplex Frequency (146.52 direct), bring a fully charged H/T for close-in directions and other get-together comms.
Directions from YOUR QTH:
*(NOTE: Enter your starting point in the “A” window.)
*** P.S. – This is a FAMILY ORIENTED EVENT, so, bring the family, kids, and, grab a picnic table on the Island for your very own central hangout point. REMEMBER, Four Tree Island IS AN ISLAND SURROUNDED BY SALTWATER, SO, IT GETS COOL AND THERE IS ALWAYS A BREEZE. BRING A WINDBREAKER AND SOME WARM LAYERS! Also, if you have any games, horseshoes, darts, bean-bag toss, kites, or other family activities, bring them along. It’s always fun to fly kites, etcetera while on the Island. Got several QRP kits, small Field-Op rigs??? BRING THEM ALONG AND SHOW OTHERS (i.e. – SHOW-‘N-TELL). Let’s make sure that,
*** “The Excitement Is Building …” ***