Blackstone Valley ARC Consortium – 16th Season

Bob Beaudet, W1YRC, writes:

On Monday, September 12th, we shall kick off the 16th season of the Consortium. After taking the summer off, we’re ready to start another terrific season of discussions concerning basic radio. We have discovered that many hams are weak in knowledge of fundamentals, not just newly minted ones but many old timers as well.

We shall meet at the Manville Sportsmen’s Club located at 250 High St., Lincoln, RI starting at 6:30. Jim K1GND and I will start by reporting what Jim K1GND and I have been up to since the last Consortium which consists mostly of the Gaspee project, another outreach effort intended to promote the image of BVARC.

I will spend a little time telling the group how we got to this point in the program and what we plan to do in future sessions of the Consortium.

Please do all that you can to spread the word regarding September 12th’s meeting of the Consortium. My mailing list is FAR from complete. Everyone is welcome. We charge no admission or require membership in anything. Attendees don’t even need to hold an Amateur license. But all must be serious about learning radio basics.

They must, however, have a keen interest in sharpening their baseline knowledge in radio principles. If you want to come only for socializing, please do not come. The Consortium is friendly and informal but we seriously focus on learning basic radio material. Our program covers antennas, power supplies, propagation, operating technique and other things that all Amateurs must embrace to fully enjoy our wonderful hobby.

We are even considering running another Morse code class, separate from the general Consortium session, aimed at the recent “no-code” licensees who realize that they’re lacking a very useful operating skill. We have conducted three classes previously and they were mostly successful. Of course, we encourage attendees to bring their questions to the Consortium, especially those that you have researched and failed to obtain satisfactory answers. We rather strongly avoid advanced topics in the Consortium. Our focus is building and strengthening foundation knowledge. Advanced topics need to build upon good basic knowledge for one to understand and properly use that knowledge, similar to a house. It must have a solid foundation to build upon.

73, Bob W1YRC and Jim, K1GND

Question?? E mail W1YRC at W1YRC@ARRL.ORG


I’ve been asked what our policy is regarding COVID and what they should do regarding any mask requirement for the Consortium.  First of all, thank you for asking. Please accept my apology for failing to address this important issue. We’re not out of the woods yet, but  it appears that we’re heading that way. Each of us have different medical issues that we must deal with. Jim and I have been fully vaccinated but Jim will be wearing a mask because his wife, Anne, has been undergoing chemotherapy and other  serious medical treatment and in an abundance of caution and concern for everyone coming to the Consortium, he shall wear a mask. 
I live alone and have not been in contact with anyone having COVID, so I shall not be wearing a mask. That may change but for now, that’s the way we’re dealing with it. 
You should wear a mask if you feel comfortable doing so and if anyone would feel more comfortable if I wore a mask, kindly say so  and I’ll better  We surely don’t want this to keep you from attending. If you would feel more comfortable if I wore a mask, please send me a reply to this e mail. Only I shall see your request if you do not reply to all.  No list will be published or revealed of who requested it. 
Thanks and 73. Best wishes for a nice Labor Day weekend, Don’t let the rain forecasted spoil your family time or DXing.  Hope to see you on the 12th. 