Fox Hunt, Wallingford, CT, August 7, 2022

Rob Cichon, K1RCT, writes on the ctfoxhunter list August 6, 2022: 

Starting at 09:45 in Wallingford (I have a meeting earlier).

1FIAB, a 1W beacon on 145.7
2FIAB, 700mW DTMF-1 controlled-on, 145.605
3FIAB, a 12mW beacon on 145.3
4FIAB, a 1W DTMF-1 controlled-on, 145.2

The Fox Boxes will cease transmission at 11:15.

Hints may be available on 146.36-r, 162.2 PL.

A smart hunter should always listen for the Fox even though it’s earlier or later than the proscribed hour.


de Rob, K1RCT