Phil Duggan, N1EP, writes on the Maine ARRL Members list:
Hermon Hamfest!
Hermon Hamfest is TOMORROW, Saturday, June 4 at the Hermon High School. Don’t miss it! Gates open at 0800 and 0730 for tailgaters. There will be amateur radio exams but you must be registered (no walk-ins). This will be one of the last opportunities to take the Technician Class exam under the current question pool, which expires on June 30. I understand there will be a drone demonstration at the hamfest, as well as cribbage games!
Field Day
Warmer weather is finally here and the opportunities for portable ham radio activities in the great outdoors will be ample. And the mother-of-all outside communications is ARRL Field Day, which is June 25 – 26, 2022! As Section Manager, I will attempt to visit a couple Field Day sites in the southern part of Maine, as I will be on the way to a family event in Massachusetts that weekend. For Field Day participants, you can earn the 100 point section manager message a number of ways. As long as the message leaves the Field Day site via RF, you can send it to me via Winlink. Also, on Saturday, Dennis Bosley WA1URS will be taking my messages for me on the Maine Seagull Net on 3.940 MHz at 5:00pm. Additionally, Maine’s Section Emergency Coordinator, Keith Anoe, KE4UCW, will be ready to receive either SM messages or SEC messages during the first 15 minutes of each hour on 3.940 MHz, as well as on various nets that weekend. So there will be ample opportunity to get those bonus points!
ARRL Kids Day
Inspire youth with amateur radio on June 18, ARRL Kids Day. Let your children, grandkids, nieces and nephews get on the air with your ham radio station and show them how much fun amateur radio can be. Try and arrange with other hams to have a QSO with them, especially with other kids. You can get more details of Kids Day at
New England Division Town Hall
The second New England Division Town Hall meeting with Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC and Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, is scheduled for June 15 at 7:30PM via Zoom. You can register for the meeting at this link:
Club Grants & Webinar
Clubs may submit applications for grants that can be used for various ways to enhance their club and amateur radio. More information is available at Also, ARRL Field Services Manager Mike Walters, W8ZY, has announced another webinar regarding the club grant program:
“We are planning another webinar for the Club Grant Program. This is planned to be a very short update on the program and a question-and-answer session. The schedule is as follows:
Thursday June 9th at 7PM Eastern Time. The video will be on YouTube the next morning. We are planning for a 1-hour event and hope to keep it at that time.
The registration link is”
Thanks For Membership!
Your ARRL membership helps the League to protect and work to expand our amateur radio frequencies and privileges, encourage and assist youth in pursing this great hobby, enhance our Amateur Radio Emergency Service and disaster preparedness activities, offer contesting and other radio sports events, and so much more. Thank you so much for your support and participation!
ARRL Affiliated Club Highlight
The Ellsworth Amateur Wireless Association has a rich history in the Downeast region of Maine. They are an active group routinely organizing fun amateur radio activities for their members and other folk, especially outdoor portable operations. Their club call sign, W1TU, was the call sign of Charles Ellsworth, who was the radio operator in Newfoundland who received the Titanic’s distress call after it hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic. The club meets on the second Thursday of each month at Meadow View Apartments Phase IV Dining Hall, 25 Tweedie Lane in Ellsworth at 7:00pm. They also usually have a video feed for members to join in via Zoom. The club president is Evie Sargent KA1BRA, VP is Chuck Liebow AC1BS, and Treasurer/Sec is Joan Hildreth W1DLC. The club holds a weekly on-air meeting on the Hull’s Cove Repeater (Bar Harbor) 147.030+ PL 100 at 7:00PM each Wednesday. This is a great bunch of folks. If you live in the greater Ellsworth area, consider joining this fun-loving group of amateurs. BTW, EAWA will be holding field day at the Trenton Elementary School this year.
Contact Section Manager
If you have any questions or issues regarding ARRL, amateur radio, etc, feel free to contact me at
ARRL Maine Section
Section Manager: Philip W Duggan, N1EP