Starts 9:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EDT / 8:00 PM CDT / 7:00 PM MDT / 6:00 PM PDT / 5:00 PM AKDT / 3:00 PM HST
TOPIC: Boston Marathon Organization Make up
Be sure to see future RATPAC scheduled presentations below
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- Please change your display name to Your First Name, Call Sign and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho.
- Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
- You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.
Join Thursday Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: THURSDAY
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: 47672675