Who: Anyone interested in amateur radio regardless of experience, license, or equipment
What: Parks-On-The-Air (POTA) Activation of Otter River State Forest (Lake Dennison Recreation Area).
Where: Lake Dennison Recreation Area, 219 Baldwinville State Rd, Winchendon, MA 01475 (drive in to the first large parking lot).
When: Saturday March 27, 2021 starting at Noon.
Special Instructions/Notes: Just show up. Bring any radio or other equipment you may want to use, or use my stuff. Sign up for POTA if you plan on logging your own activation https://parksontheair.com/ . If you are not planning on logging then please plan on getting on the air with my callsign (POTA Hunters want to get their points!) It is a large parking lot and big outdoor area. We will be there unless the weather is very very bad (i.e., electrical storm, typhoon); I will post to this group if it’s canceled. We will monitor 146.52 if you want to bring a vhf radio. We will operate at least ssb and cw, other modes welcome. I will be in a green van…it is unmistakable. Bring whatever you need to be comfortable (food, water, shelter, etc.)
My equipment: I will bring enough equipment to set up at least one cw and one ssb station. I also have band pass filters for 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 40, and 80 meters so we can run stations simultaneously. PLEASE BRING A SHORT COAX JUMPER WITH PL259 CONNECTORS IF YOU THINK YOU MAY WANT TO USE ONE OF MY BAND PASS FILTERS! I do not have enough to share.
Pandemic notes:
Plan on wearing a mask. Outdoor gathering limits are 25 people in Massachusetts; if we exceed this we can split into separate groups, it’s a large enough area. You of course are responsible for your own safety, so whatever precautions you need, please prepare for it.
Okay, that’s all. Bottom line: Show up and play radio! I can’t wait to meet you all in person!