Youth and STEM Outreach

Welcome to the New England Division Youth and STEM Outreach program.

Our focus is assuring new and existing Youth in Ham Radio are supported in ways that allow for learning, exploring, demonstrating, and experiencing many diverse focuses within Ham Radio and STEM Technologies.

  • Ham Radio Club W1HLO High School members

    Connect needs for youth with appropriate sources of learning, funding, and meeting locations.

  • FCC Amateur Radio license information.
  • Facilitating and pursuing training and license prep with trained mentors, ham clubs, and STEM programs.
  • Point of contact for all youth activities and Ham Radio involvement within New England.

STEM Curriculum Slides

Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC has done STEM/Ham Radio presentations to high school and middle school classes at local schools. 

Here are some of his presentations:

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Big E Space Chat – September 27th, 2022

The Space Chat @ the BigE was a huge success.

Info on Eastern Mass (EMA) section youth…

July 13, 2022 We combined the Mentoring and New Ham development and Youth and STEM Outreach groups for an online meeting to give updates in our areas.

Here is the recorded video:


Are you interested in learning more?  Do you have a Ham Radio club needing to grow its youth program?

Please contact

Anita Kemmerer, AB1QB

Assistant Director, ARRL New England Division

Thanks for stopping by!