Tom Frenaye, K1KI
Contact Information
Tom Frenaye, K1KI
489 Warnertown Road, PO BOX J
West Suffield, CT 06093
Vice Director
Phillip E. Temples, K9HI
Contact Information
Phillip E. Temples, K9HI
125 Coolidge Avenue
Suite 803
Watertown, MA 02472-2875
tel: 617-331-0183
Biographical Information
Phil Temples was first licensed over 54 years ago as WN9EAY in Bloomington, Indiana. He holds an Amateur Extra class license. Phil is a QST author and an ARRL Diamond Club Life Member. Phil has also contributed on-line articles for the ARRLWeb site. He recently co-authored a chapter in the Amateur Radio Public Service Handbook. In the 90s, Phil served for multiple terms as President and Vice President in the Boston Amateur Radio Club.
Phil serves as the New England Division Vice Director, and was also an Assistant Director in the New England ARRL Division as well as an Assistant Section Manager for the Eastern Massachusetts Section and a six-term Section Manager. K9HI has held Affiliated Club Coordinator and Public Information Officer appointments. Phil served as Program Committee and Marketing & Promotion Committee Chairs for the ARRL New England Division Convention. Phil sits on the ARRL Emergency Communications & Field Services Committee, and serves as the board liaison to the ARRL Radio Orienteering Committee. In addition, he is involved with the ARRL Club Grant program.
In the early 70s, Phil was active in Indiana Navy-Marine Corps MARS, serving as the state training officer. He also served as Emergency Coordinator for Monroe County, Indiana. Phil participated in the National Traffic System at the section, region and area levels. He was also an avid contester at that time, competing in numerous Sweepstakes, CD Parties, and ARRL DX contests. He holds WAS, WAC, and DXCC. While earning an Electrical Engineering degree from Purdue University in the late 70s, Phil was active with the Purdue Amateur Radio Club, W9YB.
Phil would much rather use a keyer than a microphone. During the 80s and 90s, he ran HF mobile with a Yaesu FT-757 and an Outbacker on cw. In 2012 and 2013, he participated as an operator at one of the WRTC 2014 test stations in Pepperell, MA. During commuting hours, K9HI can be found on many of the greater Boston area 2-meter and 440 MHz repeaters.

Phil is a life member of the Quarter Century Wireless Association and the Old Old Timers Club. He’s also a member of: Ten-Ten International, Boston Area DXers, Boston ARC, Billerica ARS, and an honorary member of the Pilgrim ARC (Provincetown, MA).
During his Amateur Radio career, Phil has actively promoted instruction and licensing. For over twelve years, he served as a volunteer instructor with the Courage Kenny Handiham program based in Golden Valley, Minnesota, attending many of their week-long radio camps in California and Minnesota. He is a Volunteer Examiner under the ARRL, W5YI, and Greater Los Angeles ARG VEC programs. In the past, K9HI has served as a team liaison for the Boston ARC’s VE team. Currently, Phil is involved with New England Amateur Radio, Inc. VE team.
Phil works at Boston College as a computer systems administrator. In 2007, Boston College awarded Phil Temples its prestigious Community Service Award for his work with Handihams, along with his participation in a volunteer reading program in the Boston public schools. That same year, Phil received a Champions Award from the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission.
Assistant Directors
Rob Leiden, K1UI
Spectrum Protection and Utilization
Contact Information
Robert G.Leiden, K1UI
21 West Woods Circle
Yarmouthport, MA 02675
Biographical Information
Rob Leiden has extensive experience as a Section Manager, an Assistant Section Manager, and as a club president of multiple Amateur Radio clubs. He also has professional engineering and program management experience. Rob has been an active ham for over 60 years and he brings a passion for protecting our spectrum.
Committee Members
Contest Advisory Committee
Rudy Bakalov, N2WQ
18 Fillow Street
Westport, CT 06880
DX Advisory Committee
Bob Beaudet, W1YRC
30 Rocky Crest Rd
Cumberland, RI 02864
Section Managers
Douglas Sharafanowich, WA1SFH
Tel: 203-494-3885
Eastern Massachusetts
Jon McCombie, N1ILZ
Tel: 508-246-4982
Phil Duggan, N1EP
New Hampshire
Peter Stohrer, W1FEA
Rhode Island
Nancy Austin, KC1NEK
Paul N. Gayet, AA1SU
Evening Phone: 802-878-2215
Western Massachusetts
Raymond Lajoie, AA1SE
Daytime Phone: 978-549-5507
Evening Phone: 978-549-5507