The New York Times had an article in today’s edition:
“Rules for Portable Batteries on Planes Are Changing. Here’s What to Know.”
The article is probably behind a paywall but you may be able to read it:
As an author, I respect copyright law, so can’t post the text or a PDF, but what it says is that the laws are changing. This apparently happened already on airlines that have experienced fires: South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore. The US, EU, and UK may soon follow, so the situation is in flux because incidents have increased.
Currently, most (but not all) US airlines allow up to two 160 watt-hour batteries on-board in carry-on baggage. Lithium batteries are not allowed in checked bags. In case you are math-challenged, that’s a 12 amp-hour battery, like the one I mentioned in a post last week:
That is the battery I took with me for POTA in Arizona last year, and I can recommend it as near-perfect for QRO POTA if you want to travel by air to distant parks. I removed the power leads, taped over the terminals, and packed it in a heavy plastic freezer bag. TSA sniffed it (and my FT-891) and let it fly.