Maine Section News

ARRL Maine Section Manager Phil Duggan, N1EP, writes:

Boat Anchor Hamfest

First Maine Hamfest of the year is Saturday, February 15 from 8am until noon at the Club Calumet, 334 West River RD, Augusta, ME. Admission $5. VE Session time to be determined. No table fees, so bring plenty of gear to sell or swap. Sponsored by the Augusta Amateur Radio Association. P.O.C George Szadis K1GDI email

Hams Needed For Can Am Sled Dog Race

Northern Maine is looking for volunteers! Fort Kent, Maine is hosting the annual Can Am Crown of Maine sled dog races. The event runs March 1st, 2nd and 3rd. If you are interested in volunteering to work communications at Net Control, one of the checks points, or anywhere help may be needed, please reach out to the Can Am Comms Chief, James Jalbert, This is a great opportunity to use your ham radio skills, make some new friends, expand your network, and see the great Northern Maine in the winter time. Reach out to James for more info.