SECARS Foxhunt, Ledyard CT, September 21, 2024

Mark Noe, KE1U, writes on the ctfoxhunter mailing list:
[The Southeastern Connecticut Amateur Radio Society] will be sponsoring a foxhunt this coming Saturday, September 21 at 1 PM at the Nathan Lester House in Ledyard, CT.  You can find more information at the following link:
This is an “on-foot” foxhunt.  You will drive to the museum and then commence a walking hunt for each of the transmitters.  They will all be hidden in the woods or the park grounds in front of the homestead.  There will be foxes hidden in an open field for beginners, and several of us will bring equipment and provide instruction.  If you have never been on a foxhunt before, this is a great time to learn.
The foxhunt will run for ca. 3 hours or when the last hunter has found all the foxes.  Please contact Mark at if you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Our foxes will be on the following frequencies:
