Chowdercon, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, September 21, 2024

Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes on the New England QRP mailing list:

* “Chowdercon” is a full day of eating (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and operating on Four Tree Island, New Hampshire. Get to Four Tree Island before 8AM to get a good parking spot in the Four Tree Island parking lot. As usual, lunch is at Geno’s and our farewell dinner/banquet will be at a New restaurant this year, due to the closure of our usual eatery closing/closed.

Four Tree Island can get cold, even on a warm day so bring a windbreaker and hoodie/sweatshirt. And don’t forget your favorite low-power Field-Op rig, wire antenna,  etcetera.

* More information to follow in another upcoming email next week.

We’re touching on 3 decades now (2000’s, 2010’s, and now the 2020’s) of this Annual Celebration of the end-of-Summer / beginning-of-Fall convention/conference of low-power radio enthusiasts operating on, Four Tree Island, New Hampshire.

Come join-in on the, Fun, Excitement, and, Camaraderie, of “Chowdercon 2024”!

* * * DATE: Saturday, September 21st, 2024, … the Equinox Weekend. – (Rain date is the following Saturday, the 28th.

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P.S. – Read about,  and, check-out past pictures of Chowdercon here: