Governor Chris Sununu Issues Proclamation Designating June as “Amateur Radio Month” in New Hampshire

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*********************************************************

For further information contact NH ARRL Section Public Information Coordinator Skip Camejo


Governor Chris Sununu issues proclamation designating June as “Amateur Radio Month” in New Hampshire

In public recognition of the valuable service that amateur radio operators provide to their communities at no cost, Governor Chris Sununu issued a formal proclamation designating June as “Amateur Radio Month” in New Hampshire.  

Amateur radio operators, also known as ham radio operators, offer their services to their communities in time of emergency to assist local, state and federal public safety agencies in providing auxiliary communication capabilities to allow regular public safety communication systems to concentrate on the emergency.  In particular, NH-ARES (New Hampshire Amateur Radio Emergency Service) has groups and members situated throughout the state to provide assistance as needed.  ARES is an emergency communication organization sponsored by the ARRL (American Radio Relay League), the leading non-governmental amateur radio organization in the United States.  In addition to ARES, the ARRL sponsors the NTS (National Traffic System) which routinely transmits message traffic by radiogram, similar to telegrams, throughout the country.  In the event of an emergency the NTS would be available to provide long distance communication capabilities to responding agencies as well as health and welfare messages to or from the disaster area to family members outside the area when conventional communication systems are not functioning.  To practice their radio communication skills, amateur radio operators participate in an annual event called Field Day.  This event is held every June and involves operators setting up their radios in sometimes remote locations to practice and train for emergency communication.  Many local amateur radio clubs set up public demonstrations and encourage members of the public to try their hand at amateur radio.  This year Field Day will be held the weekend of June 22 and 23rd.

In addition to emergency communication capabilities, amateur radio operators routinely assist their communities by providing communication services at events such as marathons, bicycle races, canoe races and other similar events.  Most recently NH-ARES responded to northern New Hampshire for the solar eclipse to provide communication assistance to the American Red Cross in the areas of Coos County with limited or no cellular service.


Additional information regarding ARES and NTS:

Copy of the Governor’s proclamation attached as a PDF.

Raul “Skip” Camejo – AC1LC
Public Information Coordinator
ARRL New Hampshire Section
Public Information Officer
New Hampshire ARES
PO Box 206
Ashland, NH 03217
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Get the Most Out of Your Field Day GOTA Station

VT iconPaul Gayet, AA1SU writes on the ARRL Vermont Members list on May 07, 2024:

Subject: Get The Most Out of Your Field Day GOTA Station

On page 69 of the June QST is a nice article on how to set up at successful GOTA station at Field Day.

I recommend checking it out.

Here is a link to the whole issue, not just page 69:

ARRL Vermont Section
Section Manager: Paul N Gayet, AA1SU

ARRL Division Cabinet Meeting Recap, May 6, 2024

ARRL logoApproximately thirty-five club leaders and Section Managers (SMs) attended last night’s New England Division Cabinet meeting via Zoom to hear an update from Division Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC; his immediate staff, and section reports from the New England SMs.

The meeting featured a panel presentation by active New England club leaders who shared their thoughts on how to mentor and grow their respective clubs. 




Cabinet Meeting agenda 5/6/24