Maine Section Update, September 2023

Maine ARRL Section Manager Phil Duggan, N1EP, writes:

Legislation. LD-697, an anti-5G bill to study non-ionizing RF radiation of ALL sources, including amateur radio, was defeated in the Maine Senate. However, I spoke to my representative, who is for the bill, and she said it needs to be studied and will likely be reintroduced in the Legislature in the coming session this winter.

Tropical Storm Lee. Some counties activated their ARES/RACES teams last weekend, including here in Washington County where the storm left most coastal communities with widespread outages. Washington County ARES staffed the Emergency Operations Center in Machias in shifts, while other members operated from home. Statewide teams and individuals supported their counties, Maine Emergency Management Agency, and the Maine Emergency Communications Net on 40 and 75 meters. SEC Keith Anoe, KE4UCW, had been conducting exercises and drills the past 18 months, and his and other EC’s efforts paid off. The storm response by ARES/RACES was excellent.

The Maine State Convention has a new venue and date. It will be June 15 at the Civic Center in Augusta.

NTS nets and operators continue to perform outstandingly on a daily basis primarily on 75/80m and some VHF.

Maine VOTA Coordinator John Huffman, K1ESE, submitted Maine’s first week as W1AW/1. It was a great effort by Maine’s VOTA ops. We totaled 6,661 contacts, and of the 68 W1AW portable activations so far this year, Maine’s rating is the 12th highest!