eNews Maine Section Manager, May 2023
Hamfest Correction
The June QST has an error regarding the date of the HERMON HAMFEST. The correct date is Saturday, June 3 at the Hermon High School. This will be a fun hamfest, rain or shine. An antenna launching competition is scheduled, along with VE exams, tailgating and more. Check out https://n1me.org/home/hamfest_2022.php for more details.
ARRL Member Survey
Please log onto your ARRL member account at www.arrl.org before the end of the month to take the Member Dues Survey. The League wants your input on how to best overcome the huge inflationary costs that is impacting the ARRL. This is your opportunity to voice your opinion, so please do so.
Field Day Locator
Clubs: list your Field Day Site in the ARRL Field Day Locator. Several are not listed and I have been getting queries on where the nearest field day sites are, so if you want more participation and visitors, make it easy for them to find you. https://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator
Digital Voice Net Highlights
The Maine Dirigo DMR Net meets Sunday mornings at 10 am on Maine Statewide. The New England UFB Fusion Net meets Sundays at 7:30PM on the linked repeater system viewed here: https://ufbnewengland.com/
Maine Slow Speed Net (CW) meets Monday through Friday on 3585 kHz at 6pm.
Bravo Zulu to Jim Kutsch, KY2D, for being such a prolific traffic handler for the Maine section.
If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to share something with Maine hams, please let me know. Email n1ep@arrl.org. 73
ARRL Maine Section
Section Manager: Philip W Duggan, N1EP