Maine Section Manager Phil Duggan, N1EP, writes:
Half-Century As Net Manager — Now That’s Dedication!
Jerry Burns, K1GUP, has been net manager of the Maine Seagull Net for fifty years! Do you think there is another ham, anywhere, who has been net manager for the same net for that long? Doubtful! Jerry’s accomplishment is unique.
Ham radio has been in Jerry’s blood all his life. His father was a ham. Burns was first licensed at age 11. His better half (Gail, N1TCM) is a ham, and many of their children and grandchildren are amateur radio operators.
The ARRL has declared 2023 is the Year Of The Volunteer. Many would agree that Jerry’s dedication and contributions to amateur radio should make him the Volunteer Of The Year! After earning his ticket in 1958, he did not sit idle at all. About two years later he was already checking into the AM version of the Seagull Net, and even served as net control as a teenager.
Jerry assumed the duties as Maine Seagull Net Manager in March 1973 and has continued in that position ever since. He has overseen the transition of the net to single sideband and has helped train countless traffic handlers and net control stations through his decades of public service.
K1GUP was honored on March 25 at the Maine Convention and Hamfest in Lewiston with an award from the ARRL New England Division. Jerry continues to inspire hams and others with his enthusiasm for amateur radio and his remarkable dedication.