I’d like to welcome Jack Ciaccia, WMØG, as our new Assistant Director for Emergency Communications and Public Service. Jack brings a great deal of experience in emergency communications, and as a former as an ARRL Section Manager, club president and more. You can learn more about Jack’s background and experience at https://nediv.arrl.org/leadership/. Jack will take on the work of leading the NE-ECAPS group effective immediately.
I’d like to thank Cory Golub, KU1U, for all of the work that he has done as New England Assistant Director for EmComm and Public Service over the past 14 ½ months. Cory has done great work in establishing the NE-ECAPS group and has brought together a dedicated group of EmComm and public service folks here in New England to share ideas and best practices.
Best and 73,
Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC
(603) 413-5400
Mail: ab1oc@arrl.org
ARRL New England Division Director