If you are a club president or section cabinet member and failed to receive an email with Zoom information about this meeting, please contact Phil Temples, K9HI, at k9hi@arrl.org.
To: All Section Managers, section cabinets, club presidents or designees:
Subject: 1st Cabinet Meeting for 2023
Please join us for the first of four scheduled New England Division Cabinet Meetings, on March 11, 2023 from 10:00 AM-12:30 PM.
- ARRL Update: Fred, AB1OC, and Phil, K9HI
- VOTA Event Update
- Field Day Rules Adjustments
- Annual Board Meeting Highlights
- ARRL Director and Vice Director Projects
- Assistant Director Updates
- Our Division Report/Goals for 2023
- Club Programs—Grants, Membership Commissions
- Break
- Club Webinar Series—Mike Walters, W8ZY
- Section Manager Updates (5 min. each)
- Open Mic