New England Division Town Hall Recap, February 23, 2023

UPDATE: Town Hall video recording added

The first of three 2023 New England Division Town Hall meetings was held on February 23. Registrations for the Town Hall meeting set an all-time record with 204 registrants. 

Director Kemmerer reviewed the accomplishments from the January, 2023 ARRL Board of Directors meeting, and discussed his committee work as did Vice Director Temples. Three of the division’s assistant directors recapped their recent activities and accomplishments.

In addition, Kemmerer fielded questions on a variety of topics, including: possible HOA bylaw wording from ARRL favoring Amateur Radio antennas; malicious interference on 75 meters; help with Logbook of The World certificates; moving toward radiogram support for ICS-213 format; bandwidth versus baud rate, and so forth.

Powerpoint slides (in PDF format) can be viewed, below. The video presentation will be posted soon.

Image of Town Hall PP presentation 2/23/2023




ARRL New England Division Town Hall 2023-02-23 video recording