CT Section News, December 2022

ARRL logoBetsey M Doane, K1EIC, writes on CT ARRL Members list:

Happy holidays and happy first significant snow of the year. Do be careful and stay safe. Many thanks to EC Sky Warn  Ed W1YSM for keeping us up-to-date on the latest news from NWS.

I wrote previously to tell you that our immediate past SEC George Lillenstein AB1GL became a silent key. There will be a service via Zoom on Wednesday, December 14, at 4:30 PM EST. George’s family is in northern Kentucky and near Cincinnati, Ohio. If you would like to attend,  please join Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85221021153?pwd=N0NZeUp2cjZGM09oTDBTSVdaOFZsQT09 Wednesday, December 14 at 4:30 p.m.  Meeting ID: 852 2102 1153 Passcode: lillen

George was an example to us all because he was involved in so many different aspects of Amateur radio. Among them were The Newington Amateur Radio League, The Bears of Manchester, NCS on NTS nets, mentor, Division cabinet meetings, District Emergency Coordinator for many years and then Section Emergency Coordinator, various communications activities including the Manchester Road Race for 20 years and took various club officer posts including club president. His activities remind us all to stretch ourselves and learn something new—there’s so much to do in this wonderful hobby we enjoy. 

We have unfortunately lost other wonderful members of our field organization, Jim Ritterbusch KD1YV also a past SEC, and Art Fregeau AF1HS, Assistant SEC and one who ran our web site for so many years. Jim was a past Division volunteer of the year and past president of the Candlewood Amateur Radio Association.  Art maintained the ARES database and the CTARES.org web site for over 20 years. You knew when Art was at a hamfest when you saw that van with all the antennas up top—he loved his radios and scanners! May George, Jim and Art rest in peace. Each was a gift to us all.  

It was a pleasure for me to attend the Christmas party  at the Candlewood Amateur Radio Association where I was pleased to spend time with longtime friends, new ops and even one who was waiting for his call sign. Remember those days? Wasns’t it exciting when your call arrived?

Congrats to Barb K1EIR who has just been appointed by Governor Lamont to the State Independent Living Council. This involved several interviews.  Good luck Barb—k1eir@arrl.net!

The new year is upon us and we’ll need to get serious about recruiting anew full-time Section manager. If you’re wondering about the field organization, what it is, what it does and what a Section Manager does, check out the material on the ARRL Web site. You can also go to the CT Section page where there is a PowerPoint presentation with audio that I did many years ago. It’s somewhat dated but you’ll get the idea.  Of course, just write and ask. We’ll talk more about it in the new year.

I wish for each of you a wonderful holiday season. Stay well and safe.


ARRL Connecticut Section

Section Manager: Betsey M Doane, K1EIC

