* New England’s premier radio hobby event
* Both days
* Huge flea market, forums
* ARRL officials in attendance
Friday: AMers W1IA Celebration and “HamJam”
Saturday: VE Exams 10:00 AM
* Big door prizes both days (Two Yaesu FT-891s, two SDRplay radios, one each day)
Fun for all! NEAR-Fest XXXI is Friday, April 29th and Saturday, April 30th 2022, at the Deerfield NH Fairgrounds, Highway 43, Deerfield NH.
This is your last chance to get advance tickets and save $5. Advance admission tickets $10 ($15 at the gate), Inside parking (flea market) $10. Mail by Wednesday, April 20th in order to get them in time. PLEASE ENCLOSE SASE! Mail to W1RC, 316 Atlantic Avenue, Marblehead MA 01945. More info www.near-fest.com. Camping passes available onsite.