New England Division Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, has announced the appointment of Dan Norman, N0HF, Preston, Connecticut, as Assistant Director for Youth Outreach.
“I am pleased to have Dan Norman, N0HF join the ARRL New England Division team,” said Fred. “Dan’s experience and accomplishments in engaging young people in Amateur Radio activities and learning makes him a great choice for this role.”
Dan has served as an Elmer at BARC Jr. (Boulder Amateur Radio club for kids), NØQCX, by providing guidance with balloon launches, license preparation, contesting, Field Day, fox hunts, Dayton Youth Forum prep, and CW proficiency. He managed many equipment donations and hamfest activities to fund the BARC youth club. Dan served as the club trustee for BARC (ham radio club WØDK) and maintained repeater systems for the group. Dan also served as president of his college Amateur Radio club, W1PTC, in Boston. He enjoys HF and VHF contesting in all modes.
Dan joins three other talented New England amateurs who serve as Assistant Directors in the division.
[See also: “New Assistant Director Appointments“]