Maine Section eNews February, 2022

Maine iconMother Nature has made it known that winter is definitely here in Maine the past few weeks. When not clearing walks and driveways of snow and ice, this has been an opportune time to stay in the comfort of our shacks and play radio! I have been busy playing cw QRP now that some sunspots are reappearing, and this week I intend to get some rig-control working on my Kenwood HF rig.

The Maine ARRL section has lots going on in the coming weeks. Here is a digest of items you may be interested in:


Augusta Boat Anchor Hamfest at Le Club Calumet in Augusta, Saturday, February 12. Address 334 West River Road in Augusta from 8am to noon.  Admission $5.  VE Exam sessions at 0930. Find more info at Androscoggin ARC Hamfest and Convention at the Ramada Inn Conference Center in Lewiston. , Apr 1 – 2, 2022. Some presentations Friday evening. Hamfest Saturday morning. Get more info at

I will have a Maine ARRL Section table setup at both events. Stop by and chat!


The CanAm Crown International Sled Dog Races need more ham radio volunteers for the March 5 – 6 event in Aroostook County. Contact Derrick Ouellette, KW1A email if you can assist.  The Boston Marathon is in need of many more ham radio volunteers for this year’s event and Maine hams can participate. If you can help, sign up at by Feb 18.


– Maine’s YL Champion Joan Hildreth, W1DLC,  reports that soon there will be a Maine YL Facebook Page where YLs can share news and ideas, etc. Joan can be reached at

– Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) YL OM CONTEST…. Feb 12 – 14. More details at

– Those hams involved with public service, and especially with emergency communications, are highly encouraged to complete the free FEMA courses IS-100.c and IS-700.b which are introductory courses pertaining the the Incident Command System, and more. If we are to serve government and other agencies, it helps to know their hierarchy, policies, etc.  You can take these short courses by visiting 

– All amateur radio clubs would benefit with an active PIO – Public Information Officer. The ARRL web site notes  “ARRL Public Information Officers (PIOs) are appointed by their Section Manager and report to their ARRL section Public Information Coordinator (PIC). The Section Manager may, at his/her discretion, delegate this appointment power to the section PIC. PIOs are generally recommended by an affiliated club for appointment consideration and must be full ARRL members. Training for PIOs should be provided regularly on a sectional or regional basis by the PIC and/or other qualified people.” More information is available at

– Challenge YOUR club to give a ham radio presentation this spring and summer to a scout troop, 4H group, or school!  Let’s inspire kids with Science, Technology, Engineering, Math through amateur radio! Start planning now!

– The New England Division Director, Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, is conducting a Town Hall via Zoom on FEB 16 at 7:00PM. If you would like to attend, let me know and I will forward your request or you can contact Fred for the Zoom link,


The Pine State Amateur Radio Club is based out of Bangor and boasts about a 100 members. They sponsor and organize the annual Hermon Hamfest, conduct regular fox hunts, maintain club repeaters, and much more. Steve Jordan, KD1OM, is the club president. They usually meet on the first Monday at the Challenger Learning Center in Bangor at 7:00pm and via Zoom. The PSARC conducts a weekly VHF net on the N1ME repeater 146.940- repeater. PL tones 88.5, 100, 103.5, and 136.5 at 8:00pm, followed by a DMR net. The club also sponsors the Worked All Maine Award. More information is available at

Other Club News

The Ellsworth Amateur Wireless Association is meeting Thursday, Feb 10 at the Assembly of God Church on Beachland RD in Ellsworth, and via Zoom at 7:00PM. Rob Collins, W8HAP, will be giving presentations titled, “The Other Side Of The Pile-Up” and “A Guide For Your First Expedition.”

The Maine Ham Radio Society is meeting via Zoom on Thursday, Feb 17 at 7:00PM. Guest speaker will be the ARRL New England Division Assistant Director, Anita Kemmerer, AB1QB, on her new role as Assistant Director, Mentoring and Ham Development.

If you have any questions regarding the Maine ARRL section or this eNew, send me an email


Phil Duggan, N1EP

Maine Section Manager

ARRL Maine Section
Section Manager: Philip W Duggan, N1EP