Proposed NH Bill Seeks to Place Limitations on “Telecommunications Towers”

UPDATE: 02/07/22 11:13 AM

Rep. Peter Torosain (R-NH), W1CBY, has learned from the chair of the House Science and Technology Committee dealing with HB 1644 that the bill will be sent to Interim Study, which effectively stops the bill in its current form. 

We must be vigilant in tracking this bill and how it evolves in the legislative process. The division leadership will  continue to closely monitor for further developments and have asked New Hampshire Section Manager Peter Stohrer, K1PJS, as well as our friends in the New Hampshire legislature to keep us  informed on further developments. 

NH State House, ConcordNew England Division Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, writes:

I wanted to bring New Hampshire HB1644 to the attention of New Hampshire hams. This legislation has the potential to significantly restrict the ability of NH Hams to erect antennas. You can register your opinion on this legislation prior to a hearing by the NH House Science and Technology Committee which is scheduled for TOMORROW. See the links below where NH residents can register their opinions online about this legislation before the committee hearing.

Jim Isaac writes on the Granite State ARA mailing list:

HB1644, up for hearing Monday at 1 PM by the House Science and Technology Committee has the following text:
“IX.  The placement of telecommunication antennas on any existing structure, existing pole, new pole, or tower constructed after the enactment of this paragraph shall be placed at least 1,640 feet from residentially zoned areas, parks, playgrounds, hospitals, nursing homes, day care centers, and schools.”
As noted in a BIA article in today’s Union Leader, this restricts many wireless (actually, all wireless) technology in most areas of NH.
Full text of the bill (most seeking to justify the limitation) see:
If you wish to oppose (or support), and/or comment on this to the committee before the hearing, you can do this at: (hearing date: Feb 7, committee: Science & Technology at 1PM, bill 1644)
It is not clear, given the very broad “findings” that the bill is based on how a more focused bill could be constructed, assuming it should be.

Best wishes,
Jim Isaak

Advocating the expansion to universal affordable broadband

2019/20 Chair IEEE USA Committee on Communications Policy
2020/21 NH IEEE Section Chair , IEEE NH Section
2015 Vice President, IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology;
President Emeritus, IEEE Computer Society
2003/2004 IEEE Division VIII Director