Hi everyone. Yet another year over. (Just about.) The silly season is upon us. I do hope everyone and their families have a happy, healthy, safe Holiday Season and 2022. Clubs have been planning their festivities this month and no meetings. So, it’s been a little quiet this month.
Well, it has been well publicized of who the winner of the New England Director is in Fred, AB1OC. I hope our section will support him and his mission to bringing a fresh perspective to Newington and New England. He has a lot of great ideas and will be looking for assistance in bringing this to fruition.
The Mohawk Club is currently underway in building their club station in the Gardner Police building. The construction of a Rohn 45 tower and running cables for rotors and antennas has started. Hopefully by Spring it will be fully functional.
Also, a bit of news, as of Nov. 19 I am now AA1SE. This was a change I have been thinking of for a while. Problem is this change is as bad as moving! All the stuff I have to update. This call will be better in contests and will play nicely when I crack CW.
I guess if there is anything I may want for Christmas is 1) a greater readership of this website, 2) Hams to participate in activities especially in mentoring, licensing, and their clubs and section. As I start my new term in January, I may have a full plate as programs are likely launching to promote all the before mentioned items from different sources. The League is listening, our voices are getting heard. Your part will make a difference!
That’s about all I have for this month. Just a reminder to clubs that put out newsletters to send a copy to clubs@arrl.org so they see what’s happening out there.
Once again, Happy Holidays!
73 Ray, AA1SE