Niantic Bay Trialthlon, Assistance Requested, August 8, 2021

Tim Rodgers KC1TWR, writes on the Radio Amateur Society of Norwich (CT) mailing list:

Communicators are needed.  Several checkpoints need to be covered.

The 2021 [Niantic Bay Triathlon] (NBT) is scheduled for Sunday, August 8.  Report time at the Region 4 MCU, which will be located in the lower parking lot of McCook Park in Niantic (Columbus Ave. and Atlantic St.) is between 0615 and 0645. The swim portion of the NBT starts at 0700 from the Hole in the Wall beach. The bike and run courses are the same as the 2019 NBT.

If you never participated before please know that this event starts early and ends before noon. You will be sent a Comm Plan that includes a map of where the checkpoints are, and a table with the street intersection information. Before the event we ask that you visit the location of your checkpoint to get familiar with the setting, and where you will park your vehicle. We do not direct traffic, we are emergency communications for those that  want a ride back, need bike repair, are hurt, or any other incident. More information will be sent before the event date. 

Please include your cell and home phone numbers for the COMM Plan even if you have sent them for previous events.  Include your T-Shirt size as well.

If you are available please send an email to:
Tim, KC1TWRTim Rodgers KC1TWR
CT ARES Region 4 DEC
Cell and Text: 860-460-7360