Volunteer Wanted to Represent VTNH Occasionally to 1RN

Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, writes on the ARRL Members Only List:
Dear New Hampshire and Vermont Members:
I’ve just read the First Region Net (1RN) Traffic Report for May 2021. Interestingly, out of the 62 sessions in May (one early, one late), “VTNH” (the two are counted together) was represented only in only 44 of the 62 sessions (combining the early and late sessions, a rate of 71%). The comparable number for Maine was 98%. As W1RVY, the manager of the net, says: “It is a great way to develop and hone CW skills. We are willing to train, too!” Furthermore, it is not too much of a time-sink, as the average minutes per session are 9.5 (early) and 7.9 (late). Under 10 minutes!
If this interests you, please contact Eric Wilhelm, ecwilcom@msn.com,
ARRL New England Division
Director: Fred Hopengarten, K1VR