Logbook of The World Status

Logbook of The World logoDespite several ARRL statements that Logbook of The World (LoTW) and DXCC data are safe, it seems that some users are still concerned that this may not be the case due to the time that it’s taking to restore service.

Follows is a recent post from Jon Bloom, ex-KE3Z, one of the original LoTW authors:

Perhaps it will ease some minds if I tell you that I know for certain that these data are safe. I know this because I personally assisted ARRL staff to get these data backed up to locations and systems that are in no way connected to ARRL HQ or cloud systems. The LoTW data, for example, exists in multiple physical locations and cloud backup services. Such is also the case for the LoTW source code. In addition, I imported the LoTW data backup into a separate, new test database system to verify it. This took several days since the database is about 3 Terabytes in size. (It’s a LOT of data!)

Getting the systems themselves back on-line is another matter, and I have no information to share about that as I’m not involved in the ongoing process of restoring them. ARRL has apparently made the decision, wisely in my view, not to bring any affected systems back into service until all parts of them can be vetted and secured. But the data itself is safe, and LoTW will definitely be back at some point.

— Jon

[We are working with Jon to get LoTW back online. As you can see from his explanation, there is not a definite timeframe. We want to be sure that the LoTW platform is secure before we bring the system back up. I hope that this helps. —Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC]