via NCRC web site:
The [Newport County Radio Club] Parks On The Air (POTA) Group is growing, with many successful activations in the month of October. Fairly simple radios and antennas are deployed in state or national parks recognized by the ParksOnTheAir program. An example of a recent activation is Coccumcussoc State Park in North Kingstown. It was activated for the first time by Ryan, KC1KUF. Ryan, 14 and a freshman at North Kingstown High School, started working on his radio license two years ago, and completed his General this summer. In that time he has become an accomplished Winter & Summer Field Day operator, so it is only natural that he would find new ways to get on the air in the field.
Sometimes a single operator is involved, and sometimes a few people join in to put multiple stations on the air. It is a wonderful opportunity to get outside in the fresh air and have a chance to meet up with our fellow hams in a safe way. If you would like to join in on the fun and be kept aware of new activations, please email POTA at w1sye.org
The November 9th club meeting (7 PM via Zoom) will have a short presentation on POTA, with plenty of time to ask questions about antennas, rigs, and batteries.